Class | Description |
AssemblySlashDoc | Represents the path to an assembly and its associated documentation comment XML file. |
AssemblySlashDocCollection | Represents a collection of assemblies and their associated documentation comment XML files. |
BaseDocumenter | Provides an abstract base class for documenters. |
BaseDocumenterConfig | Provides an abstract base class for documenter configurations. |
CouldNotLoadAllAssembliesException | This exception is thrown when one or more assemblies can not be loaded. |
DocumenterException | Represents an exception thrown when attempting to build documentation. |
DocumenterPropertyFormatException | This exception is thrown when there were invalid values in the documenter properties. |
EmbeddedResources | Utilties to help reading and writing embedded resources. |
FilePath | |
FolderPath | |
Namespaces | Summary description for Namespaces. |
NonPersistedAttribute | |
PathItemBase | |
PathUtilities | Utility Routines for path handling |
ProgressArgs | Custom event arguments' class used by DocBuildingEventHandler. |
Project | Represents an NDoc project. |
ReferencePath | A path to search for referenced assemblies. |
ReferencePathCollection | Type safe collection class for ReferencePath objects. |
Settings | This class manages read write access to application settings |
TemplateWriter | Stream writer that parses a template file to write a new file. |
Workspace | The Workspace class manages the Output directory and its subfolders where help file content and project files are used to compile the final help collection |
XsltResourceResolver | Resolves URLs stored as embedded resources in an assembly. |
Interface | Description |
IDocumenter | Represents a class capable of generating documentation from a given assembly and /doc file. |
IDocumenterConfig | Specifies the methods that are common to all documenter configs. |
Delegate | Description |
ContentEventHandler | Handler for content events |
DocBuildingEventHandler | Used by events raised by IDocumenter to notify doc building progress. |
ProjectModifiedEventHandler | Handles Project Modified events. |
Enumeration | Description |
DocumenterDevelopmentStatus | Specifies the development status of a documenter. |