NDoc User's Guide NDoc 1.3


[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change]

The <code> is used to indicate multiple lines as code.

<code [lang="language"][escaped="true"]>content</code>


lang="language" [NDoc extension]
Applies a filter for this language. (Optional)
escaped="true" [NDoc extension]
Escapes all reserved characters within content. (Optional)
The text you want marked as code.

Applies To

Can be used inline within any other markup.


A language filter can be attached using the optional lang attribute. Standard languages are Visual Basic, C#, C++ and JScript. Multiple languages can be specified as a comma separated list such as "Visual Basic, C#, C++".

The escaped attribute can be used to escape all reserved characters within the text.

Note:  All content within xml comments must be well-formed!!!


Note how, in the following comments, the xml text can be entered verbatim because the escaped="true" attribute has been applied.

   /// <summary>
   /// Loads the XML.
   /// </summary>
   /// <example> The XML should have the following format.
   /// <code escaped="true">
   ///   <root>
   ///     <member name="name"/>
   ///   </root>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   public void LoadXml(string xml) 
      //do something here...

See Also

Tag Usage | NDoc Tags | <c> | Microsoft's definition