The <see> tag specifies a link to other documentation from within text.
<see cref="member">[label]</see> OR <see href="URL">[label]</see> OR <see langword="null | sealed | static | abstract | virtual | true | false"/>
Can be used inline within any other markup.
Use <seealso> to indicate text that you might want to appear in a See Also section.
Note: As of release 1.3, the MSDN and VS.NET documenters will only create a link on the first occurrence of each unique cref specified within a documentation section; further <see> tags will just be highlighted. This improves the readability of the documentation.
keyword | expansion |
null | null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) |
sealed | sealed (NotInheritable in Visual Basic) |
static | static (Shared in Visual Basic) |
abstract | abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) |
virtual | virtual (CanOverride in Visual Basic) |
See <summary> for an example of using <see>.
Tag Usage | NDoc Tags | <seealso> | Microsoft's definition
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