Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete intermediate files after a successful build.
[Visual Basic]<DefaultValue(Value:=False), _ Description(Description:="When true, intermediate files will be deleted after a successful build."), _ Category(Category:="Documentation Main Settings")>Public Property CleanIntermediates As Boolean [C#][DefaultValue(Value=False)][Description(Description="When true, intermediate files will be deleted after a successful build.")][Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")]public bool CleanIntermediates { get; set; } [C++][DefaultValue(Value=False)][Description(Description="When true, intermediate files will be deleted after a successful build.")][Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")]public: __property bool get_CleanIntermediates(); public: __property void set_CleanIntermediates(bool ); [JScript] publicDefaultValue(Value=False)Description(Description="When true, intermediate files will be deleted after a successful build.")Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")function get CleanIntermediates() : bool publicDefaultValue(Value=False)Description(Description="When true, intermediate files will be deleted after a successful build.")Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")function set CleanIntermediates(bool);
For documenters that result in a compiled output, like the MSDN and VS.NET documenters, intermediate files include all of the HTML Help project files, as well as the generated HTML files.
BaseDocumenterConfig Class | NDoc.Core Namespace