NDoc 1.3.1 SDK

NDoc.Core.Reflection Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
BaseReflectionDocumenter The base class for documenters which use the ReflectionEngine to extract documentation from .Net assemblies.
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig The base config class for documenters which use the ReflectionEngine to extract documentation from .Net assemblies.
ReflectionEngine Summary description for ReflectionEngine.
ReflectionEngineParameters Summary description for ReflectionEngineParameters.


Enumeration Description
AssemblyVersionInformationType Defines the type of version information to document.
DocumentedInheritedMembers Defines the type of inherited members to document.
EditorBrowsableFilterLevel Defines the levels of filtering on the EditorBrowsable attribute.
SdkLanguage Defines a language version of the .NET Framework documentation.
SdkVersion Defines a version of the .NET Framework documentation.