The base config class for documenters which use the ReflectionEngine to extract documentation from .Net assemblies.
For a list of all members of this type, see BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Members.
[Visual Basic] MustInherit Public Class BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Inherits BaseDocumenterConfig [C#] public abstract class BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig : BaseDocumenterConfig [C++] public __gc __abstract class BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig : public BaseDocumenterConfig [JScript] public class BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig extends BaseDocumenterConfig
Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
Generating the documentation consists of two high level steps:
The settings below govern how exactly the XML summary data is merged with the reflected meta-data and therefore govern what items will and will not appear in the final documentation.
Namespace: NDoc.Core.Reflection
Assembly: NDoc.Core (in NDoc.Core.dll)
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Members | NDoc.Core.Reflection Namespace