BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig overview
AssemblyVersionInfo | Gets or sets the AssemblyVersion property. |
AutoDocumentConstructors | Gets or sets the AutoDocumentConstructors property. |
AutoPropertyBackerSummaries | Gets or sets the AutoPropertyBackerSummaries property. |
CleanIntermediates (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete intermediate files after a successful build. |
CopyrightHref | Gets or sets the CopyrightHref property. |
CopyrightText | Gets or sets the CopyrightText property. |
DocumentAttributes | Gets or sets whether or not to document the attributes. |
DocumentedAttributes | Gets or sets which attributes should be documented. |
DocumentEmptyNamespaces | Gets or sets the DocumentPrivates property. |
DocumentExplicitInterfaceImplementations | Gets or sets the DocumentInternals property. |
DocumentInheritedAttributes | Gets or sets whether or not to document the attributes inherited from base types. |
DocumentInheritedFrameworkMembers | Gets or sets the DocumentInheritedFrameworkMembers property. |
DocumentInheritedMembers | Gets or sets the DocumentInheritedMembers property. |
DocumentInternals | Gets or sets the DocumentInternals property. |
DocumentPrivates | Gets or sets the DocumentPrivates property. |
DocumentProtected | Gets or sets the DocumentProtected property. |
DocumentProtectedInternalAsProtected | Gets or sets the DocumentProtectedInternalAsProtected property. |
DocumentSealedProtected | Gets or sets the DocumentSealedProtected property. |
EditorBrowsableFilter | Specifies the level of filtering on the EditorBrowsable attribute. |
FeedbackEmailAddress | Gets or sets the FeedbackEmailAddress property. |
IncludeDefaultThreadSafety | Gets or sets the IncludeDefaultThreadSafety property. |
InstanceMembersDefaultToSafe | Gets or sets the InstanceMembersDefaultToSafe property. |
Name (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Gets the display name of the documenter. |
Preliminary | Get/set the Preliminary preoperty |
ReferencePaths | Gets or sets a collection of additional paths to search for reference assemblies. |
SdkDocLanguage | Gets or sets the SdkDocLanguage property. |
SdkDocVersion | Gets or sets the LinkToSdkDocVersion property. |
ShowMissingParams | Gets or sets the ShowMissingParams property. |
ShowMissingRemarks | Gets or sets the ShowMissingRemarks property. |
ShowMissingReturns | Gets or sets the ShowMissingReturns property. |
ShowMissingSummaries | Gets or sets the ShowMissingSummaries property. |
ShowMissingValues | Gets or sets the ShowMissingValues property. |
ShowTypeIdInAttributes | Gets or sets whether or not to show the TypeId property in attributes. |
SkipNamespacesWithoutSummaries | Gets or sets the SkipNamespacesWithoutSummaries property. |
StaticMembersDefaultToSafe | Gets or sets the StaticMembersDefaultToSafe property. |
UseNamespaceDocSummaries | Gets or sets the UseNamespaceDocSummaries property. |
UseNDocXmlFile (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the specified XML file as input instead of reflecting the list of assemblies specified on the project. |
Equals (inherited from Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetProperties (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Gets an enumerable list of PropertyInfo objects representing the properties of this config. |
GetType (inherited from Object) | Gets the Type of the current instance. |
Read (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Loads config details from the specified XmlReader. |
SetProject (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Associates this config with a Project. |
SetValue (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Sets the value of a named config property. |
ToString (inherited from Object) | Returns a String that represents the current Object. |
Write (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Writes the current state of the config to the specified XmlWriter. |
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig class. |
Project (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Gets the Project that this config is associated with, if any |
Finalize (inherited from Object) | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. |
HandleUnknownPropertyType | |
HandleUnknownPropertyValue (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | When overridden in a derived class, handles a unknown or invalid property value read by Read. |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. |
ReadProperty (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Sets the value of a named property. |
SetDirty (inherited from BaseDocumenterConfig) | Sets the IsDirty property on the Project. |
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Class | NDoc.Core.Reflection Namespace