Gets or sets the DocumentSealedProtected property.
[Visual Basic]<Description(Description:="Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too."), _ Category(Category:="Visibility"), _ DefaultValue(Value:=False)>Public Property DocumentSealedProtected As Boolean [C#][Description(Description="Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too.")][Category(Category="Visibility")][DefaultValue(Value=False)]public bool DocumentSealedProtected { get; set; } [C++][Description(Description="Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too.")][Category(Category="Visibility")][DefaultValue(Value=False)]public: __property bool get_DocumentSealedProtected(); public: __property void set_DocumentSealedProtected(bool ); [JScript] publicDescription(Description="Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too.")Category(Category="Visibility")DefaultValue(Value=False)function get DocumentSealedProtected() : bool publicDescription(Description="Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too.")Category(Category="Visibility")DefaultValue(Value=False)function set DocumentSealedProtected(bool);
Turn this flag on to document protected members of sealed classes. DocumentProtected must be turned on, too.
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Class | NDoc.Core.Reflection Namespace