Gets or sets the FeedbackEmailAddress property.
[Visual Basic]<Category(Category:="Documentation Main Settings"), _ Description(Description:="If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page using this address."), _ DefaultValue>Public Property FeedbackEmailAddress As String [C#][Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")][Description(Description="If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page using this address.")][DefaultValue]public string FeedbackEmailAddress { get; set; } [C++][Category(Category="Documentation Main Settings")][Description(Description="If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page using this address.")][DefaultValue]public: __property String* get_FeedbackEmailAddress(); public: __property void set_FeedbackEmailAddress(String* ); [JScript] publicCategory(Category="Documentation Main Settings")Description(Description="If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page using this address.")DefaultValuefunction get FeedbackEmailAddress() : String publicCategory(Category="Documentation Main Settings")Description(Description="If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page using this address.")DefaultValuefunction set FeedbackEmailAddress(String);
If an email address is supplied, a mailto link will be placed at the bottom of each page, pointing to this address.
BaseReflectionDocumenterConfig Class | NDoc.Core.Reflection Namespace