NDoc User's Guide NDoc 1.3

The Visual Studio .NET Documenter

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change]


The VS.NET documenter creates compiled Html Help version 2 titles similar in format to the .NET Framework SDK collection. Html Help 2 is the help technology used by the Visual Studio.NET help system as well as by newer version of MSDN and the SDK documentation.

Documentation generated with this documenter can be integrated into Visual Studio and MSDN. This entails inclusion in the combined table of contents, index and search functions, as well as context sensitive and dynamic help from with the Visual Studio IDE.


All documenters share a common set of documenter settings.

Setting Description
AboutPageIconPage HTML file that displays the Help About image.
AboutPageInfo Displays product information in Help About.
AdditionalContentResourceDirectory Directory that contains resources (images etc.) used by the additional content pages. This directory will be recursively compiled into the help file.
BuildSeparateIndexFile If true a separate index file is generated, otherwise it is compiled into the HxS (recommended).
CharacterSet The character set that will be used when compiling the help file
CollectionNamespace The Html Help 2 registry namespace (avoid spaces). Used in conjunction with GenerateCollectionFiles and RegisterTitleWithNamespace.
CollectionTOCStyle Determines how the collection table of contents will appear in the help browser.
CreateFullTextIndex If true, creates a full text index for the help file.
DocSetList A comma-separated list of DocSet filter identifiers in which topics in this title will be included.
EmptyIndexTermPage Displays when a user chooses a keyword index term that has sub keywords but is not directly associated with a topic itself.
ExtensibilityStylesheet Path to an XSLT stylesheet that contains templates for documenting extensibility tags.
FooterHtml Raw HTML that is used as a page footer instead of the default footer. %FILE_NAME% is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. %ASSEMBLY_NAME% is dynamically replaced by the name of the assembly for the current page. %ASSEMBLY_VERSION% is dynamically replaced by the version of the assembly for the current page. %TOPIC_TITLE% is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.
GenerateCollectionFiles If true, creates collection files to contain the help title. These all the title to be plugged into the Visual Studio help namespace during deployment.
HeaderHtml Raw HTML that is used as a page header instead of the default blue banner. %FILE_NAME%\" is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. %TOPIC_TITLE%\" is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.
HtmlHelpName The HTML Help project file and the compiled HTML Help file use this property plus the appropriate extension as names.
IncludeDefaultStopWordList If true, the default stop-word list is compiled into the help file. (A stop-word list is a list of words that will be ignored during a full text search)
IntroductionPage An HTML page that will be displayed when the root TOC node is selected.
LangID The language ID of the locale used by the compiled help file
LinkToSdkDocVersion Specifies to which version of the .NET Framework SDK documentation the links to system types will be pointing.
NavFailPage Page that opens if a link to a topic or URL is broken.
OmitSyntaxSection If true, the syntax section on member topics will not be generated (improves performance)
OutputDirectory The directory in which .html files and the .Hx* files will be generated.
PlugInNamespace If GenerateCollectionFiles is true, the resulting collection will be plugged into this namespace during deployment
RegisterTitleAsCollection If true , the HxS title will be registered as a collection after a successful compilation of the documentation. (ignored if RegisterTitleWithNamespace is true)

Note: This is a development aid and only applies to the machine where the build is run.

RegisterTitleWithNamespace Should the compiled Html 2 title be registered on this machine after it is compiled. Good for testing. (If true CollectionNamespace is required)

Note: This is a development aid and only applies to the machine where the build is run.

Title This is the title displayed at the top of every page.
UseHelpNamespaceMappingFile If the documentation includes references to types registered in a separate html help 2 namespace, supplying a mapping file allows XLinks to be created to topics within that namespace.
Version The version number for the help file (#.#.#.#)