NDoc User's Guide NDoc 1.3


[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change]

The <example> tag describes an example of how to use a type or member.



A description of the code sample.

Applies To

All types and members.


Commonly, this tag is used with the <code> tag.


public class MyClass 
   /// <summary>
   /// The GetZero method.
   /// </summary>
   /// <example> This sample shows how to call the GetZero method.
   /// <code>
   ///   class MyClass 
   ///   {
   ///      public static int Main() 
   ///      {
   ///         return GetZero();
   ///      }
   ///   }
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   public static int GetZero() 
      return 0;

See Also

Tag Usage | NDoc Tags | <code>  | Microsoft's definition